What People Are Saying

  • "Amazing experience with a lifetime of friendship and memories. I'm coming back!"

    — Jana, Oklahoma, 2023

  • "This is the first retreat of this type I have been to. It was fun, and painting with Amy Wynne was amazing. It was all new to me even though I have been taking classes and painting for years."

    — Diane, New York, 2023

  • "High energy group of leaders, and you could always pivot based on weather and interests. I really enjoyed the facilitated evening conversations, we really got to know everyone so much better. The pontoon boat ride was a highlight!"

    — Colleen, Maryland, 2023

  • "This was something out of my comfort zone but it was so meaningful to share this time, the stories, the adventures, and the laughter (and hugs) with so many beautiful women. There was a great balance of activities as well as things to engage the mind."

    — Anne Noel, Connecticut, 2023

  • “For the Soul Retreat has been life altering for me. I would come again, and again, and again."

    — Nettie, Massachusetts, 2023 and 2021

  • “Amy Wynne was the BEST painting teacher! Calm, patient, and so much more. I loved that she engaged us creatively in more than painting- meditation, writing a haiku, reading poetry... it was a really inspiring way to set the stage for painting. Your chef, Kristen, paid attention to everyone's preferences and the food was delicious!"

    — Karen, Pennsylvania. 2023

  • "I loved the women who attended! They were interested and interesting, honest and fun loving. They all wanted to participate and learn about themselves and others. I don't know how Sabet curates this group, but she does a great job making sure everyone is a fit!"

    — Louise, Maryland, 2023

  • "A strong leader, a jovial counterpart (Janie) and a woman of great faith (Christi) to keep everything grounded. What a great team! I'm back home, and feel so much lighter!"

    — Joan, Virginia, 2023

  • "The food was outstanding. It was delicious, Kristen the chef was outstanding, and I’ve never gone away where I haven’t gained weight except on this retreat. So that’s a big plus for me. Everything quite frankly was wonderful the accommodations, the farmhouse and the grounds were very comfortable and peaceful. I signed up for the adventure portion of the retreat. I love hiking surrounded by nature. I find nature very healing. We had fun, we did some meditation, some yoga, saw some bears , thankfully in an enclosure, we took two boat rides and walked around and the lake, stopped for a wine tasting and viewed sculptures set up around the town and lake. But the real gift of this retreat was meeting and getting to know Sabet and Janie. Everything - all the work and planning that went into creating this Experience happened because of Sabet’s and Janie‘s love, compassion, empathy, commitment, humor, and contagious joy of life. I cherish the time spent in New Hampshire, the memories and the new friends. ☮️😊❤️ Karen October 2023 A wonderful exercise, and experience for the soul."

  • "I loved the simplistic form of teaching Amy Wynne gave us. She brought me out of my comfort zone and taught me a new way of visualization. I'm a fairly new painter, and I can't wait to paint more often. I enjoyed everything about the retreat- the team was always so thoughtful and considerate of us."

    — Kathleen, New York, 2023

  • “Inspiring! An amazing week that re-charged and re-focused me! I can't wait to come back!"

    — Paige, Virginia, 2023

  • Attending the retreat solo was a little bit of a stretch, but I am so glad I did it. And the lakes region of New Hampshire provided a beautiful backdrop."

    Jada, Virginia, 2023

  • "I was so excited when I first heard about the retreat; it sounded like it was tailor made for me. The actual experience was even better than I imagined! And the people were amazing!"

    — Karey, North Carolina, 2022

  • "Five days in New Hampshire with eleven women, all trying to tap into something special in themselves, was the reset I needed. Every detail was taken care of and all I had to do was relax, reflect and learn from those around me. For the Soul Retreat exceeded my expectations and I made new friends I hope to see again."

    — Betsy, Virginia, 2022

  • "Highly recommended - I arrived full of wonder and left feeling full of the joy of new friendships, beautiful spaces, scenic paintings, restful nature and the most delicious healthy meals I could ever have imagined! I left newly refreshed and inspired.

    — Treva, Vermont, 2022

  • "This retreat was wonderful to reconnect with yourself while trying something new all surrounded by the beauty of the lakes region of NH."

    — Leah, New Hampshire, 2022

  • “We don’t know how to say thank you for all you’ve done. You create a world we can all escape to in a world we need escape from with food, comfort, joy and a boat ride with two hunks. You have exceeded all expectations. Thank you for our luxurious accommodations, a picnic on the hill with a renowned artist, a hike with a dendrologist, flower arranging with another hunk, meditation with a meditator, decorating every meal with your ‘Sabet and Pete’ décor, and your patience and your smile. We are so grateful. It’s been good for our soul.”

    — Class of 2021

  • “I loved every minute of the Retreat. Lovely people at a beautiful place!”

    — Jan, North Carolina, 2021

  • “Sabet is really creating something special with her For the Soul Retreats. Her leadership, hospitality, and attention to detail were awe inspiring. I was instantly welcomed upon arrival and, even though I had never met any of the other participants, we all seemed to click. Great conversations were shared over delicious meals and we spent our days enjoying this beautiful part of NH. Sabet opens both her heart and home to all participants. Very well done!”

    — Joan, New Jersey, 2021

  • “A “not to miss” adventure is Tom’s nature hike/walk. I have always loved the woods and walk trails often but I will never go on a trail again without noticing the forest canopy, not just the trees but the undergrowth that supports the ecosystem. From identification of Spiraea, Ferns and Yarrow to the majestic trees, Tom explains how they all play an important part in nature, even the omnipresent milkweed! I also know when things get tough I can eat the chokeberries, although with a tummy ache if I don’t cook then first. By the end of the walk I could identify notched leaves, Paper Birch, Junipers, White Pines, Maples… Tom is a wealth of information and patience especially with my lack of knowledge. It is so refreshing to see the joy Tom has in passing on his vast knowledge with others. Don’t miss this walk in the woods, you will feel smarter for it!”

    — Susan B., Virginia, 2021

  • “Sabet, Pete and Janie set the tempo for a wonderful retreat that allowed every woman to go at their own pace and level of interest. Their easy-going, welcoming nature was essential to the success of the retreat. Painting and picnicking at Valleybrook Farm was my absolute favorite day! What a treat to be a guest at this private estate! During the entire retreat I felt relaxed and stress-free, which is the GOAL!”

    — Beth, Oklahoma, 2022

  • “One of the things I loved most about attending the 2021 retreat were the conversations I had with other women. They were fresh, full of new ideas, experiences and perspectives. Having downtime to sit with others and talk is what makes the retreat so personal.”

    — Christi, Oklahoma, 2021

  • “Amazing women, food and views…all in one retreat.”

    — Ellinor, Tennessee , 2021

  • “Sabet’s extensive planning and attention to detail was evident every step of the way. Fresh flowers in each room, customized water bottles and other welcome gifts…”booking” Jill and gathering painting supplies…arranging meals with Pete..the sunset pontoon cruise… gathering a terrific group of women..and of course, painting with Jill, and the gift of time to create..it was ALL fabulous! Thank you for masterminding this incredible experience and devoting yourself to making it happen. I am deeply grateful.”

    — Debbe, Virginia, 2019

  • "For the Soul Retreat was a retreat for all the senses. The visual art created by the attendees as well as the vibrant works by Jill Steenhuis was inspirational. The flower gardens and pines of NH are fragrant in the fall season and our hikes and bikes brought views of Lake Winnipesaukee at every turn. Pete’s cooking filled our bellies with succulent treats all day and the women who attended each brought a unique gift to the gathering. I love each and every one of my new friends and I can not wait to come back. Thank you, Sabet, for putting together such a "soulful" group."

    — Susan S., Virginia, 2019

  • “Thank you again for the opportunity to join in the retreat fun and it was great to meet everyone. Your ideas, ability to bring strong, smart, creative and fun women together, plus your attention to details are now all embedded in the Lakes Region! You hit it out of the park!

    — Jan, New Hampshire, 2019

  • "It's been almost a year since we were together for the official launch of For The Soul Retreat, and a trip to Cape Cod this week reminded me of the great time we had in Wolfeboro. What a wonderful event, Sabet! I know we all conveyed our gratitude, but seriously, that was the best time on so many levels and I wanted to thank you again for including me. I'd love a reunion with some of the "retreaters" that are close by for cheers and shared stories of our time together, remembering the lovely ways you fed our souls and expanded our circle of friends."

    — Dana, Virginia, 2019

  • “Every part of this retreat fed my soul”

    — Mary, Pennsylvania, 2019

  • “I have told everyone who has asked about the retreat that the highlight was our chef. I am a huge fan of clean healthy food and it is sooo hard to find and I cook all the time but boring cooking. I just reveled in your cooking. Thank you so much for pouring your heart and soul into it.. It was truly appreciated by all.”

    — Michelle, Virginia, 2019

  • “Learning & evolving. Creating & sharing. Teaching & connecting. Laughter & silence. Curiosity & wonder. Inspiring & empowering. Opening hearts through it all. What an adventure For the Soul Retreat Offers!”

    — Leah Mason, Our Partner