Our Team


Sabet Stroman

After working 40+ years as a consultant in the leadership development field, retirement hit Sabet hard. She was ready to do new things, but raising a blended family of 7 kids and immersing herself in work she loved had left little time to figure who she was without all of that. After floundering for awhile, the opportunity to create the retreat became just the project she needed. Living part time in both Richmond, VA and Wolfeboro, NH she was also excited about sharing her love affair with New Hampshire with all of her Southern friends. Creating the retreat did all of this- and more! As the retreat has grown to include women all over the country, Sabet has begun working on a plan for a months long road trip (with Pete and Janie) as an excuse to stay in touch with so many new friends!


Pete McKenzie

Well, actually she is Diane, but has been called Pete since she attended Brewster Academy right in Wolfeboro, NH! After starting a family and working professionally in Richmond, VA for years, she and her husband moved back home to the Boston area to be closer to family and snow! Always the best cook at a dinner party or supper club, Pete honed her baking skills when she worked professionally with a caterer and baker, and later becoming gluten free was a challenge she met head on. Pete is always happiest in the kitchen, cooking with love for friends and family.

In 2023, Pete is taking a break from her chef role to allow time for more travel with her family. She will be with us in October 2023 as part of the retreat team leadership.


Janie Moyers

If you need to add life to a party, invite Janie! She’s never met a stranger, and she’s always willing to take a risk and try something new! Janie loves exploring new places and learning new things, and as a volunteer with several large non-profits she has led women on trips up and down the East Coast. Her favorite summer retreat is a few weeks at Chataqua, hearing new speakers and challenging old assumptions. She loves sharing the historic landmarks in the Wolfeboro area, biking on the Cotton Valley Trail or pointing out some of the best antique stores in our New England area!


Christi Eischeid

Sooner born and Sooner bred, Christi found us from Edmond, Oklahoma, where she and her husband of 39 years live and enjoy their family. A retired CPA, Christi attended the retreat in 2021 to challenge herself to paint and lean into her “right brain”. We noticed that she was the woman who always anticipated what was needed (and did it) even before we did, and we invited Christi back to help with all the moving parts involved in keeping the retreat running smoothly. Little did we know that she would be the woman up at 6AM with a smile on her face and schedule in hand. She runs the show! Her gentle spirit instantly puts retreat participants at ease, creating warm bonds and connections among all of us.

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